South Australia coffee cup ban is now here! This is how we can help you...
From the 1st September 2024, South Australia will ban all plastic-lined takeaway coffee cups, plastic lids and plastic clear cold drink cups.
All accepted cups and lids MUST be Certified Compostable (home or commercial) to Australian standards. (AS5810 or AS4736)
What is accepted moving forward:
- Paper/Pulp Certified Home Compostable coffee cups for both hot and cold drinks
- Paper/Pulp/Bioplastic Certified Commercially Compostable coffee cups for both hot and cold drinks
- Paper/Pulp/Sugarcane lids and Bioplastic lids that are Certified home or commercially compostable
**Unlike WA bans, bioplastic clear cups and lids seem to be accepted in the SA bans. As long as all takeaway items are certified compostable to Australian Standards.
We always recommend choosing Home Compostable products wherever you can as they don't need to be collected and manually processed like commercially compostable products do.
Look for logos and wordings with AS5810 for Home Compostable and AS4736 for Commercially Compostable. The AS stands for Australian Standard - see logo examples: